Thursday, July 19, 2012

European Union President: what's your name dear?

In a repeat of an embarrassing incident when Baroness Ashton did not know how to recognise Serbia's President, Mr Van Rompuy was caught on microphone during a press conference leaning across to Atifete Jahjaga, Kosovo's leader, to ask her name.
”What's your name, dear?,” the president of the European Council asked the Kosovan leader, after talks on Wednesday. 
Ms Jahjaga patiently explained, “Jah-Jah... ga-ga” twice before Mr Van Rompuy is able to get her name right. Sources have defended Mr Van Rompuy insisting that Europe's most senior official actually said, “How do I pronounce your name, dear?”.

Last month, Lady Ashton, the EU's foreign minister was ridiculed after footage showing her and one of her most senior diplomats panicking before a crucial meeting with Serbia's president because they do not know what he looks like became an internet hit. 

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