Friday, November 30, 2012

Immigrants Help Drunk Politician off the Ground, Then he Calls Police on Them for Stealing a Backpack That he Left at the Bar

Disclaimer: Comic drawn by another artist who might join us soon.

This week in Sweden, a politician named Lars Isovaara has come under media scrutiny after a binge drinking episode where he called the police on a group of immigrants who helped him back into his wheelchair when he fell down drunk on the sidewalk while on his way home.  In reality, the politician had left his things at the bar in his stupor and he also seems to have some deep seeded animosity towards immigrants, which may be the reason behind the call to police.
Much to his dismay one of the police who arrived on the scene was actually an immigrant, and they [the police] were treated very harshly by him as a result.  The police reported that Isovaara was insulting the officer that he took issue with, even spitting at him and making growling noises.

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